2007年9月29日 星期六

DB2, Replication add replicate timestamp information to target table

Test Case :
replicate table jerrtw.src -> jerryw.tar and add replicate timestamp infomation to table jerryw.tar

table structure:
-- ID is P-Key

ID int
NAME char(10)

ID int
NAME char(10)
REPL_TIME timestamp

db2 create table jerryw.scr (id int not null , name char(10) )
db2 alter table jerryw.scr add primary key (id)

db2 create table jerryw.tar (id int not null , name char(10) , time timestamp)
db2 alter table jerryw.tar add primary key (id)

1. register table jerrtw.src
2. add jerrtw.src into qualify
3. add new column map to "REPL_TIME " from "Column Mapping" option

4. complete

db2 insert into jerryw.scr values (1,'aa')
db2 insert into jerryw.scr values (2,'aa')
db2 insert into jerryw.scr values (3,'aa')

db2 update jerryw.scr set name='bb' where id=1

db2 select * from jerryw.tar
