2006年9月9日 星期六


AveDirReadTime=Direct Read Time / Direct Read To Database

AveDirWriteTime=Direct Write Time / Direct Writes To Database

AveNumSectorsRead=Direct Reads from DB / Direct Read Requests

AveNumSectorsWritten=Direct Writes from DB / Direct Write Requests

AveSortTime=Total Sort time / Total Sorts

PctOverflowSortReqs=(Sort Overflows / Total Sorts) * 100
= Total Read/ Write Time
=elapsed time required to perform the direct reads from disk
elapsed time required to perform the direct writes to disk
elapsed time spent processing read requests that caused data or index pages to be physically read from disk to buffer pool
elapsed time spent physically writing data or index pages from the buffer pool to disk

TotThroughput=Dynamic SQL Statements Attempted + Static SQL Statements Attempted + Failed Statement Operations

TotUOW=Commit Statements Attempted + Internal Commits + Rollback Statements Attempted + Internal Rollbacks


PctLockedOutDBConns=(Current Applications Waiting on Locks / Applications Executing in DBM Currently) * 100

PctDBLocklistUsed=(Total Locklist Memory In Use / (locklist * 4096)) * 100

AveWaitForLock=Total Time Waited On Locks / Number of Lock Waits

PctAppsWaitingOnLocks=(Current Applications Waiting On Locks / Applications Connected Currently) * 100

NumLocksRemaining=((Locklist * 4096) / 36) - Locks Held

BackupTime=((currentTime in seconds - LastBackupTime in seconds) / 3600)

DataPgHitRatio=(1 - (Buffer Pool Data Physical Reads / Buffer Pool Data Logical Reads)) * 100

PctPagesUsed=100 * (Pages Used / (Pages Used + Space Available))
